Since our very first dealer client, Daily Gameplan has helped salespeople, managers, and entire dealerships succeed.
A Daily Gameplan case studyHow one store added 75 units / month
Our case study is a Ford dealership in metro Denver. Their best sales month was just over 400 units total, new and used, which usually put them in 3rd or 4th place in their market. They have 35 salespeople,4 sales managers, and a GSM.
When they implemented the Daily Gameplan systems, they didn't just pass out the planners and hope the guys would use it. The GSM put some serious teeth into the system that we thought (at the time) was overkill. Boy, did he prove us wrong. The regimen was very simple and basic. Sales Managers would meet three times per week with individual salespeople. The goal of these one-on-one sessions was to set and confirm appointments from the salesperson's client files in each salesperson's Daily Gameplan business planner. The results: Within three months they had reached 475 units, and became the #1 Ford dealer in the market. Not only had they exceeded their forecasts, they had become a well oiled machine that was unstoppable. It was incredible to watch. I joked with the GSM that it was all from the Daily Gameplan and will never forget his response. "No. It wasn't all from Daily Gameplan. But at least 50 of those deals were. The process and the discipline from Daily Gameplan kept the ball rolling." |