Closing a sale is a culmination of a sequence of events that lead up to the customer saying “Yes, I would like to buy that car.” A professional salesperson has many tools at his or her disposal to help move a prospect through the buying process. Below are a few power tips that you may want to keep in your toolbox to help you close more deals. Learn To Listen
Salespeople who do all the talking during a presentation not only bore the prospect, but also generally lose the sale. You should be listening at least 50 percent of the time. You can improve your listening skills by taking notes, observing your prospect's body language, not jumping to conclusions, and concentrating on what your prospect is saying. Take Notes When Possible Don't rely on your memory to remind you of what's important to your prospect. Ask upfront if it's alright for you to take notes during your sales presentation. Write down key points you can refer to later during your presentation. There’s no better tool for keeping track of those key points than Daily Gameplan! Write Down Objections Show your prospect you are truly listening to what they are saying by writing down their objections. In this way, you can specifically answer their objections by showing how they will benefit by buying from you. Learn more about countering the most common customer objections here. Ask For Feedback From Your Customers If you want to improve your sales presentation or your relations with your customers, ask them what you need to do to maintain and increase their business. Many customers have minor complaints but will never say anything. They just won't buy from you again. If you ask their opinion, they'll be glad to tell you, and to give you the chance to solve the problem.
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